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Find out how Turtle Wax® Pro from Transchem can accelerate your car wash business growth in any region across the globe.

Turtle Wax® Pro chemistry around the globe
Transchem Group offers Turtle Wax® Pro chemistry, and distributor supportin all major car washing regions. If you run a car wash operation and believe Turtle Wax® Pro would be a great fit for you, please reach out and see if we have a distributor partner near you! Our reach continues to expand as more car washes discover the results and marketing potential of Turtle Wax® Pro. We’re always looking for distributors to work with to solve car washing challenges and bring the brand recognition of Turtle Wax® Pro into your region.
Reach out today to learn more about Transchem Group and Turtle Wax® Pro in your region.
Reach out today to learn more about Transchem Group and Turtle Wax® Pro in your region.
Our team at ASI finds the product quality and customer experience second to none with Transchem Group products.
Not only do the products exceed expectations, but the customer service and support is fantastic. Our customers enjoy the brand recognition and marketing support and we enjoy working with a family owned business that cares about their customers.

Jeremy Dohm,
President at ASI