Get up to $10,000 in value per wash by switching to Transchem Group chemistry
Maximize every cent by:
Reducing costs with hyper-concentrated chemistry.
Reducing waste with spill detection and reporting.
Reducing man hours managing your backroom.
Eliminating run-outs and last minute orders.
TRUE-VUE 2 Standard Model
The TRUE-VUE 2 Standard Model is step 1 in controlling your back room. With easy organization, easy loading and easy backroom navigation you can say goodbye to 30G drums and floors that are dyed blue!
Our standard model comes FREE with any 2-year chemical agreement from Transchem Group.

TRUE-VUE 2 Deluxe Model
Our deluxe model comes FREE with any 3-year chemical agreement from Transchem Group.
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Our easy-to-read dashboards provide you with real-time information about what is happening at any car wash.
The interactive charts provide rich insights at a glance.
• Average usage per car
• Average cost per car
• Chemical cost per period
• Wash counts
Pair your TRUE-VUE 2 System with HYPER CONCENTRaTEs
With hyper concentrates, you pay for the actual chemical not a drum mostly made up of water. This means you'll save money on your chemistry and save money on shipping. But the advantages don't stop there, you'll be able to wash more cars with your chemistry, making you do more with less.
Thankfully, Transchem Group offers hyper-concentrated chemistry with both our AutoLux and Turtle Wax® Pro chemical lineups.